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NY : 12-01094/12-E-0250

Status: Inactive
    No filings in the last 90 days

  • Latest Filing:

    09 Aug 2013
  • Opened:

    09 Aug 2013

In The Matter Of A Commission Designee's Determination Pursuant To Psl Section 52-Cross Rehearing Petitions By Mr. John Cain And Ms. Denisha Lewis Of The Designee's Determination Rendered In Favor Of Mr. John Cain And Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc. (010413).

  • Regulated Service:

  • Major Parties:

  • Docket Type:

    Complaint: Shared Meter Rehearing
Source - Original Docket

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Filings for NY: 12-01094/12-E-0250

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