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HI : 2015-0022

  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
Status: Inactive
    No filings in the last 90 days

  • Latest Filing:

    25 Aug 2016
  • Opened:

    26 Jan 2015

Application For Approval Of The Proposed Change Of Control And Related Matters.

  • Major Parties:

    Division of Consumer Advocacy, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, County of Maui, Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, County of Hawaii, Life of the Land, Hawaii Renewable Energy Alliance, Blue Planet Foundation, Hawaii Solar Energy Association, Tawhiri Power LLC, Hawaii PV Coalition, Sierra Club, The Gas Company, LLC, Friends of Lanai, Renewable Energy Action Coalition of Hawaii, Inc., Puna Pono Alliance, AES Hawaii, Inc., The Alliance for Solar Choice, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc., Maui Electric Company, Limited, and NextEra Energy, Inc., Office of Planning, State of Hawaii, Hawaii Island Energy Cooperative, Ka Lei Maile Ali'i Hawaiian Civic Club, SunPower Corporation, HINA Power Corp, SunEdison, LLC, Department of the Navy on Behalf of the Department of Defense, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc., Maui Electric Company, Limited, and NextEra Energy, Inc.
  • Docket Type:

  • Official Status:

Source - Original Docket Search Page

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Filings for HI: 2015-0022

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